
发布日期: 2013-03-15 来源:dwjl 2183



       I am pleased to enclose a copy of our new brochure. We are starting a new InternationalMaster Program in Economics taught entirely in English from October 2013. You willfind the details of the program in the brochure and in the application guidebook of theprogram. This program is designed in particular for the excellent students at theuniversities which have concluded an Academic Co-operation Agreement with theGraduate School of Economics, Kobe University. This international program allows thehighly motivated Japanese students to be enrolled in as well and thus the selectedinternational and domestic students study together within the program. I am convincedthat the new program is ideal for promoting academic and professional careers of yourstudents. I should be obliged if you would recommend your student(s) to our newInternational Master Program in Economics. Please note the application period forthose enrolled in October 2013 is 11-31 March 2013.


附件:00_IMPE GSE Kobe Application__ Guidebook (2012.10.18).

02_IMPE GSE Kobe Research__ Proposal (2012.10.18)

01_IMPE GSE Kobe Application Form__ (2012.10.18)

Kobe University__ 2013

