I hope you are doing well. I am writting to you regarding our copperation agreement. As you may recall, the agreement specifies that the application materials should be sent to UCL by March 31.
I am writting to you as the university as setup a whole new application procedure beginning of this month.
Could you please request the students you have selected to complete the online application form that they will find at the following link: http://newepc.uclouvain.be/DemAdmission/Demande.iface ( the application is available in English)
University: Université catholique de Louvain - Louvain-la-Neuve (UCL).
Field of studies: Sciences économiques et de gestion (Economics and Management)
Study program: & nbsp; ECON2MA Master in Economics Research Focus.
Upon completion of the form they will receive an email confirmation together with a pdf copy of their application. Could you please have them print this pdf file and attach it to the other appliaction materials that should be sent to me?
Thanks beforehand for your help in this matter. I look forward to receiving the application materials of your students.
Kind regards,
Mrs. Pascale Schicks
Affaires internationales / International Affairs
Ecole doctorale/ Doctoral School
Université catholique de Louvain
Département des Sciences Economiques
Collège L.H. Dupriez, d.003,
Place Montesquieu 3
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Tel: +32 10 473954
Fax: +32 10 473290
Working hours
Tuesday & Thursday 8:30 - 16:30
Friday 8:30 - 13:30
Reception hours
Tuesday and Thursday 14:00 - 16:00
Monday & Wednesday out of office
SKYPE login : doctoralschooleconucl